More after the jump! Continue reading below↓įree and Premium members see fewer ads! Sign up and log-in today.įigure 1: Drawing objects precisely related to each other gets easier with Draw 12’s new Dynamic Guides. The new Dynamic Guides (similar to those in ACD System’s Deneba Canvas) pop on-screen when you cross a specific snapping point on an object, such as the center or midpoint of a line (see Figure 1). No Mac, no more.įor who bemoaned CorelDraw’s weak precision drawing tools, version 12 may be just what you need. Mac users of the Corel suite - what few there were - should note that CorelDraw Graphics Suite 12 is for the PC only. We looked at a stable beta of the product. While this latest version 12 won’t take your breath away, it does have a nice selection of new toys for precision drawing. The box also includes plenty of extras: a healthy assortment of clip art, images, and fonts, plus the invaluable little goodies we’ve come to depend on (bitmap-to-vector tracing, screen capture, font management, and support for Visual Basic for Applications).
CorelDraw lovers everywhere invariably applaud a new release of this sleek, value-filled graphics package, and with good reason: The three major applications in the CorelDraw Graphics Suite provide illustration (CorelDraw), image editing (Photo-Paint), and animation (R.A.V.E) cover most tasks that a graphics pro might need.